Our Kids Are Growing Up

Yes, our kids are growing up…

  • September 14, 2018

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Olais found it very funny to show how tall Denis has grown, and how short I still am!

But when I look at the children you have sponsored, I am so proud of what we have accomplished together.

As of September 2018, here is where our kids are:

14 attend primary school

13 are in secondary school, 6 of whom are boarding

4 are enrolled in our vocational training programs

7 are attending post-secondary certificate or degree programs in everything from social work to business management

Yes, we’ve lost a few along the way, but mostly because they moved out of our service area or elected not to continue their education. I think this is an amazing statistic in a country where only 50% of the population is literate.

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I fly home tonight.

Mary, Olais and I have visited many of our kids, both at home and at their schools.

Above, Mary, Olais, and Aneth share a laugh during our visit. I will be touch with those of you who are sponsoring kids soon after I get home and through my jet lag, to give you the highlights of my visits with your wonderful kids.
